i Masturbate alot, i smoke too much and the level of caffiene i consume daily is higher then my blood preasure (i think so). Damn!, and this wednesday will be another turning point for me... shit! i'm old mahn.... to say that this feeling is normal is hypocritical but to be thinking otherwise is just like saying that i'm stupid..
i don't really know.. should this be a sad thing? i can't remember at the 1st place why we loved Birthdays so much. Probably the presents.. but it could also be the parties. "you're only as old as you feel"<--- now which jerk said this?! lemme just give him my 2 cents.. Fucking turd.
the past was nice, full of colors. Present times seems dull (but i'm single, which is a good thing... at least for me).. do i sound lame? I'd say NO. Am quite happy with the state that i'm currently in actually... couldn't quite remember why i'd write this stupid blog the first place. Anyway looking forward into the future, hope it's gonna be a lot more thrilling than yesteryears.. Fuck! i do sound lame (with a little pinch of gay-ness).. what ever mahn!..
Happy Birthday Dude! you're fucking old.. now get a life!
A modest mouse (hehe) digging its way somewhere in this shit hole, trying to liberate from this side of the sphere comprised of pretentiousness, idiocy and ignorance. I used to be white.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Friday, June 30, 2006
Breakfast for The CHAMPIONS
Remembered how my mom used to make breakfast before going to school. Just how I like my omelet, 2 eggs, 1/2 a glass of milk, cheddar cheese, beaten thoroughly to have that fluffiness in the omelet. In some occasion She would put in something extra like canned tuna of corned beef.. mouth watering? Indeed.
I'd go back up there one of these days.. maybe when I have my own family or not. Enjoying the morning air, a cup of coffee, a good book by my favorite author, and that omelet I had as a child.. tak boleh lupa how fluffy and tasty and whatever not..
My last omelet I had was back in JB, taught my (then) girlfriend how to make one. The best I ever had (the fact that she made me my all-time favorite breakfast scored big time). Never thought a meal would bring so much memories, sweet memories.
One whole nation could start a war just to have this kinda meal.. Omelet, Breakfast for the CHAMPIONS.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Insightful in-SHIT-full
Am tired of not getting to do what I wanna do. Even thinking about doing what I can't do is tiresome.. I wish I have something interesting to write about.. or something a lot less stupid at least. I've grew tired of insightful writings because no matter how much I write about how I feel toward people or things that'll make me tick, in the end I end up becoming the things I loathe. And I realized my English is getting a bit rusty.. this is what you get when you wrap your life around idiocy.. as they say "if you hang-out with losers you'll eventually become one yourself".. I know they're not suffering from dyslexia, maybe they're all just plain 'malas'. it's in their blood! (mine too).
A friend of mine has been driving me up the wall these past few weeks, trying to introduce me to another Multi Level/Network Marketing.. asking me to attend seminars and talks (trying to show me what the business is all about).. some people just don't get it.. could you catch my drift when I tell you "Hey, I'm kinda busy at the moment so could I call you when I'm free?".
And this word cup phenomenon is really really really really bad.. it has been two days that I had to sneak into the toilet to rest these tired eyes (the toilet's clean!!).. I can't take the risk of being caught sleeping at work now do I?.. well at least Japan played their 2nd match a little OK.. the goalie is sure gonna receive alotta offer from European clubs after this. Oh! And me fav team BRAJIL!! (brazil) Ronaldo's fat!.. he can’t even chase after the ball nor score a decent goal.. how lame is that?.. and they shouldn't have put Ronaldinho as the center Midfielder, he'd do a lot better as a winger-it's kinda funny u know 'cos I'm not a big fan of sports (especially football) but I'm crying out my frustration about how this team or that team should have played their match, which reminds me why exactly I don't fancy football. But I've been thinkin' about taking up futsal as a new hobby.
Well, if u made it this far then maybe my post is not that lame after all eh?.. hah! The thought of having ideas or things to say but couldn't actually put it into words is quite frustrating.. maybe it's about time to start a journal.. jot down all those crapp that goes thru my mind… I actually have more to say but I'll just end your misery for today.. now
So allow me to bore u another time?.. please I insist.
A friend of mine has been driving me up the wall these past few weeks, trying to introduce me to another Multi Level/Network Marketing.. asking me to attend seminars and talks (trying to show me what the business is all about).. some people just don't get it.. could you catch my drift when I tell you "Hey, I'm kinda busy at the moment so could I call you when I'm free?".
And this word cup phenomenon is really really really really bad.. it has been two days that I had to sneak into the toilet to rest these tired eyes (the toilet's clean!!).. I can't take the risk of being caught sleeping at work now do I?.. well at least Japan played their 2nd match a little OK.. the goalie is sure gonna receive alotta offer from European clubs after this. Oh! And me fav team BRAJIL!! (brazil) Ronaldo's fat!.. he can’t even chase after the ball nor score a decent goal.. how lame is that?.. and they shouldn't have put Ronaldinho as the center Midfielder, he'd do a lot better as a winger-it's kinda funny u know 'cos I'm not a big fan of sports (especially football) but I'm crying out my frustration about how this team or that team should have played their match, which reminds me why exactly I don't fancy football. But I've been thinkin' about taking up futsal as a new hobby.
Well, if u made it this far then maybe my post is not that lame after all eh?.. hah! The thought of having ideas or things to say but couldn't actually put it into words is quite frustrating.. maybe it's about time to start a journal.. jot down all those crapp that goes thru my mind… I actually have more to say but I'll just end your misery for today.. now
So allow me to bore u another time?.. please I insist.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Jimmy's Dead!!
This poem was taken from a chain letter (surat berantai, haha)... those kinda letters are all bull huh?.. nonetheless this poem is kinda cool!
Around the corner I have a friend,
In this great city that has no end,
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
And before I know it, a year is gone.
And I never see my old friends face.
For life is a swift and terrible race.
He knows I like him just as well,
As in the days when I rang his bell.
And he rang mine if we were younger then,
And now we are busy, tired men.
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name.
"Tomorrow" I say! “I will call on Jim"
"Just to show that I'm thinking of him."
But tomorrow comes
and tomorrow goes,
And distance between
us grows and grows.
Around the corner
yet miles away,
"Here's a telegram sir"
"Jim died today."
Around the corner I have a friend,
In this great city that has no end,
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
And before I know it, a year is gone.
And I never see my old friends face.
For life is a swift and terrible race.
He knows I like him just as well,
As in the days when I rang his bell.
And he rang mine if we were younger then,
And now we are busy, tired men.
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name.
"Tomorrow" I say! “I will call on Jim"
"Just to show that I'm thinking of him."
But tomorrow comes
and tomorrow goes,
And distance between
us grows and grows.
Around the corner
yet miles away,
"Here's a telegram sir"
"Jim died today."
Monday, June 12, 2006
Samurai Shame

OI! and what's with the Manager?!.. sore loser man shoving that japan official like that!! blardy butt-faced HAG!!, ugh! and i dunno.. was the field that slippery? u think?.. Those japs keep tumbling like it was fun!.. and the Aussies were Rough! "OI! this ain't Rugby Mate!!"..
Lucky the Italianos didnt make me go back home feeling all disgusted!!.. one of the mamak nearly got yelled at for no reason.. T_T *sob sob*... should i perform the harakiri because they failed to impress me with that lousy played match?.. or should i call someone and bash thier ear drums yapping about how the japanese played on thier opening match?.. Pundek la weih!!.. everyone at the mamak left with an unhappy face.. BAGAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
SCARE crow
something weird just happened to me this morning as i was walking to work. A crow brushed me on the back of my neck, surprised i looked at the crow as it landed on a tree branch. It actually stared back at me then croaked at me as if saying "what's your problem, buddy?!".. i looked at it with an angry face and continued walking.. then it brushed the back of my neck AGAIN!.. at this point i was feeling kinda freaked out.. is this nasty bird trying to attack me? just the tought of that sharp claws and big black beak poking me made my hair stand... after that i walked faster, looking back at the bird every 30seconds or so.. i'm all jinxed out now!.. fuck! i hope i don't get bad luck for crossing this crow man!!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Yada yada yada...
Bored! bored! bored! bored! bored!!...
this is what i do when i'm bored..

then i got even bored then before... so i did another one..

but.. i'm still not smiling. if only life was less complicated. uninspired, i need a new role model to look up to.. people are telling me that i should keep up but everything's so hectic around here.. even the world is coming to an end. Not that i refuse to modernize myself, but i'm just tired..

i guess the most wonderful moment in life is when you're unconsious.. 'cos that's when everything stands still.
this is what i do when i'm bored..

then i got even bored then before... so i did another one..

but.. i'm still not smiling. if only life was less complicated. uninspired, i need a new role model to look up to.. people are telling me that i should keep up but everything's so hectic around here.. even the world is coming to an end. Not that i refuse to modernize myself, but i'm just tired..

i guess the most wonderful moment in life is when you're unconsious.. 'cos that's when everything stands still.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Am i dead yet?
started smoking again..damn when will i ever quit? my last smoke was in early January.... life's kinda slow, works gaining pace and I'm back to square one. Nothing new happening lately, thinking of quitting this god awful job but i just love what i'm doing... actually what i supposed to do..
anyway, last sunday was exhilirating. Went to Asian Festival of Speed at sepang (saya ingin drifting!!!) the food was kinda expensive!! that fucker's making more profit then he should have!! HOT!! blazing!! H-O-T!!.. went to a 'pasar malam' at TTDI afterward (u'd be surprised with what you could buy with only a 10ringgit budget) but everything tasted like some fat dude's ass (tak sedap!)
i actually went to work (monday) just to waste the day away doing nothing. not as fun as i guessed it would be...but here i am, in this cramped-out tiny little office at 7.15pm (tuesday). suppose to finish another urgent job under 2weeks... getting older, if what they say "life begins at forty" really is true... then i'd probably die before i turn 35.
i'm bored, gonna go smoke another cancer stick now.
anyway, last sunday was exhilirating. Went to Asian Festival of Speed at sepang (saya ingin drifting!!!) the food was kinda expensive!! that fucker's making more profit then he should have!! HOT!! blazing!! H-O-T!!.. went to a 'pasar malam' at TTDI afterward (u'd be surprised with what you could buy with only a 10ringgit budget) but everything tasted like some fat dude's ass (tak sedap!)
i actually went to work (monday) just to waste the day away doing nothing. not as fun as i guessed it would be...but here i am, in this cramped-out tiny little office at 7.15pm (tuesday). suppose to finish another urgent job under 2weeks... getting older, if what they say "life begins at forty" really is true... then i'd probably die before i turn 35.
i'm bored, gonna go smoke another cancer stick now.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
hell yeah!!
farken hell yeah!! so lemme fill you in on the details of my week!! it was as i quoted earlier "farken hell yeah!!" kinda week.. no not a bad one.. a Hell yeah!! kind.. i applied for a two day leave to attend my graduation day so i only had to work for 3 days!! (now that deserves a ELL yeah!!) monday was labour day so the week started on tuesday (for the laborers).. finished all me jobs!! (speedo desu-ka?!! ^_^)
and went for the rehersal (it was a full rehersal!! stupido!!) caught up with old friends and my ex, had lunch at mines with the whole lot. laughing, 'kutuk-kutuk' joking like the old days..dang! how i miss the old days.. T_T . My family arrived around 3pm from JB.. yikes!! GHAZI (my nephew) dah besar?!!! and he was so fucken adorable..and how i wish HAZIQ (my other nephew) was here. how long has it been since my last visit back to JB?
anyway had dinner at italiannese OU.. freakin hell hv any of yous guys tried thier spaghetti meat ball??!!! now that's what i call BIG COJONES (pronounsed as kohones) the meat balls were fist-sized beef!!!! oh oh!! and thier lasagna was not what i expected it to taste like (but let's not tell the chef shall we?)...
SOOOooO!! Saturday - my graduation day. it was sooo fun i almost went blind from all the camera flashes... never took pictures that much (almost felt like a star at the oscars(ape-ape je laa mamat ni)!!!).. i bloody sure as hell miss being a student ! ! ! ! for a slacker you might think that i'm crazy but ey!! if u'd only know how much time you could have just slacking around u'll probably wanna go to college/university
on sunday my family insisted me on joining them to sunway lagoon (i was woken up at 9-freakin-a.m. so uncool!!) which i said no to but later punked on my own desicion... i couldn't go back to sleep (crap!) actually had fun, decided to ride the 3-set pipes (middle one) with my brother-in-law. he's triple my size by the way (i guess) anyway as we were sliding down the pipe and the last few turns were kinda exhilarating until we entered the last slope when all the sudden this buoy or whatever u call it flip-sided and we were sliding down the rest of the way on our back!!!! the crowd went "wei!! tengok orang tu terjatuh!!"..
we just had to laugh our way out the pool to make it look like it was fun!! i wanted to ride the other two pipes but my head was splitting due to the tumble...
oh and someone nearly drowned but all the lifeguard did was pulled the floating device or whatever you call it out of the water.. i thought their job was to save LIVES.. should change their status to bouyguard. give them quicksilver sponsored wet shirt and all they do is try to look cool.. BODOH!
but now, here i am today in this poor-looking office typing this crappy blog. awaiting tons of work to be done!! *sob sob* T_T
and went for the rehersal (it was a full rehersal!! stupido!!) caught up with old friends and my ex, had lunch at mines with the whole lot. laughing, 'kutuk-kutuk' joking like the old days..dang! how i miss the old days.. T_T . My family arrived around 3pm from JB.. yikes!! GHAZI (my nephew) dah besar?!!! and he was so fucken adorable..and how i wish HAZIQ (my other nephew) was here. how long has it been since my last visit back to JB?
anyway had dinner at italiannese OU.. freakin hell hv any of yous guys tried thier spaghetti meat ball??!!! now that's what i call BIG COJONES (pronounsed as kohones) the meat balls were fist-sized beef!!!! oh oh!! and thier lasagna was not what i expected it to taste like (but let's not tell the chef shall we?)...
SOOOooO!! Saturday - my graduation day. it was sooo fun i almost went blind from all the camera flashes... never took pictures that much (almost felt like a star at the oscars(ape-ape je laa mamat ni)!!!).. i bloody sure as hell miss being a student ! ! ! ! for a slacker you might think that i'm crazy but ey!! if u'd only know how much time you could have just slacking around u'll probably wanna go to college/university
on sunday my family insisted me on joining them to sunway lagoon (i was woken up at 9-freakin-a.m. so uncool!!) which i said no to but later punked on my own desicion... i couldn't go back to sleep (crap!) actually had fun, decided to ride the 3-set pipes (middle one) with my brother-in-law. he's triple my size by the way (i guess) anyway as we were sliding down the pipe and the last few turns were kinda exhilarating until we entered the last slope when all the sudden this buoy or whatever u call it flip-sided and we were sliding down the rest of the way on our back!!!! the crowd went "wei!! tengok orang tu terjatuh!!"..
we just had to laugh our way out the pool to make it look like it was fun!! i wanted to ride the other two pipes but my head was splitting due to the tumble...
oh and someone nearly drowned but all the lifeguard did was pulled the floating device or whatever you call it out of the water.. i thought their job was to save LIVES.. should change their status to bouyguard. give them quicksilver sponsored wet shirt and all they do is try to look cool.. BODOH!
but now, here i am today in this poor-looking office typing this crappy blog. awaiting tons of work to be done!! *sob sob* T_T
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
ahh...my first publish! well like everyday, i dont feel whole... If i could have the answer to any question about my life.. it would be "where am i leading myself?" or "how much effort must i put up just to be noticed in this life?"... dang! everything seems to be hazy.. tried every trick in the book but still... i'm just. what should i do to make life PEACHY? how should i inject some zest in My life..... i need a break!. operator! i need an exit!!
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