Perfection is something without flaws. Beauty is an image far greater than the rest. Kindness is a gesture that does good. Love is something that makes a person do extraordinary things, both expected and out of the norm.
She is nothing like those mentioned above, she is just a mere human being. Sleeps, eats, walks and talks like the rest of us living in this world. She is anything but perfect, makes mistakes like everyone does, trips over her steps like all of us. She is beautiful, in her own way. she laughs loudly as her heart’s desire, she sneer like a crooked mad man, she sometimes act like a man, She is, like others, have both side of kindness, she doesn’t like EVERYONE, she hates like most of us do, and she has enemies of her own. Love is not something she gives away lightly.. she has her favourites, and favours over at the best of times.
But in His eyes, she has no flaws, in his eyes.. she is something far greater than life, kind in her own ways, and the most loving person he has ever experienced.
But we all know that what he feels are just something that he made up in his own mind.. She is just a normal person, he just don’t want it to be that way.. so when he sees her flaws, he cowars, when he noticed her ugly side he reeks, when he saw her unkindness he shivers… and the love that he onced taste turned bile.. he made up all these lies in his head saying she’s nothing like it.
So he tries to change the true image of her into what he envisioned.. lures her to do things he wants her to. And when all fails, he bailed on her.. leaving her alone in the darkness, without guidance.. There she was, alone, scared, saddened, in solitude.. trying so hard to find solace..
Only alone did He feels that he was truly lost. Starting to doubt every single steps that he had took.. looking around, beginning to realize that everyone and everything around him is a lie, a lie that he had created inside of himself.. so he decided to trace back every steps that he had took, back to where he had left her, back to Her..
When he reached that last place he had left her, she was gone.. sitting there in that empty space, dark and cold. She was so far to be found at the time.. and he was dumbfounded. Not knowing what is right or wrong..
He had lost her forever. But when he looked down on the floor. He saw himself. so clean and calm.. so serene, full of joy and inspiration. He saw himself, in her vision.. She had left what she knew about him.
And that was the end of an eternity.
p/s: if you want to see that person as he/she, who you used to know, change your perspective. And they might change.